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Album Review: The Mountain Goats - "Dark In Here"

Josh Bokor

The 20th studio album from The Mountain Goats picks up where the last one took off. A much moodier, mellower take on folk, jazz, and rock with a heavier take on jazz.

Merge - 2021

If you aren't familiar with the The Mountain Goats, they're a band from Claremont California and have been around since the 90's. John Darnielle is the frontman (and an award-winning author) from the band, providing his excellent story-telling through his singing. Of course if you've heard the band's countless records you would notice the focal point being the storytelling, the song writing. The overarching themes and music vary with each new project, but can be mainly described as folk rock. Over the past several years I would say they've been on a hot streak with uniquely themed records. In 2015 we had Beat the Champ, a record about pro wrestling. 2017 contained Goths, a record about goth culture. 2019 you had In League with Dragons, a record about (you guessed it) Dungeons & Dragons. Getting Into Knives last year was a darker, brooding take on blues and jazz.

Dark In Here, the band's latest album, appears to be connected with Getting Into Knives instrumentally and thematically. I would say it picks up where the previous record left off. This album to me is much moodier, mellower take on folk, jazz, and rock with a heavier take on jazz. The sprawling percussion on many of these tracks is jazzy and the vintage key playing is smoothly drawn out. "Mobile" is a fantastic guitar ballad that is my favorite on the record. It actually reminds me of modern day folk rock bands like Dawes which is surprising to me. "Lizard Suit" is my favorite sporadic moment where the instrumental just becomes explosive at the end with crashing symbols and pianos. The moodier cuts actually become the most memorable, whether it's "When a Powerful Animal Comes" or "The Slow Parts on Death Metal Albums."

I've enjoyed pretty much every Mountain Goats record I've heard (which is pretty much the more recent releases) and mostly because of the instrumentals themselves. I admit I'm more of an instrumental guy than a lyrical guy, I typically gravitate towards a captivating instrumental. To me if the lyrics are profound and brilliant, it may be difficult for me to appreciate it if the instrumental is pure trash. The production and music behind Dark In Here is great. The jazzy and dark instrumentals accompany John Darnielle's vocals nicely. I wouldn't say it's completely new or game changing but it's performed really well. If you're a huge fan of The Mountain Goats I don't see why you wouldn't give this one a go. The Mountain Goats have been consistently great over the years trying new themes and styles this late into their career is always something to appreciate.

My Rating: 7 / 10

Favorite Songs: "Mobile," "Lizard Suit," "When a Powerful Animal Comes," "Dark In Here"

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